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Official Rules

Mason Hills

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All Disciplinary actions are subject to administration authority and ruling.
All users in-game and Discord are responsible for their account actions and agree to the rules listed below.

Discord Rules 

  1. Be respectful at all times - In both discord voice / written chat and in-game.
  2. Do not chat spam.
  3. Do not argue or down-talk anyone in general chat. 
  4. Do not self-moderate. If you see a rule violation, report it to an Admin.
  5. Do not ask for roles or staff positions within the server.
  6. Do not advertise other communities, discords, or websites.
  7. Always follow your department chief or commanding officer.
  8. Directors/Admins are in charge - They have the final say.
  9. The use of disrespectful comments, threats,  and/or hate speech in verbal/written communication is PROHIBITED. This includes but is not limited to Ethnicity, Religion, Race, Cultural Practices, and/or mental or physical disabilities.
  10. Repeatedly asking for and/or sharing of others personal information is PROHIBITED. This includes but is not limited to Age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, family or family member(s) information, and non-RP name or location. 

Information provided by you is at your own risk. LSDOJ is not liable or at fault for any information that you share regarding your personal information or life in Discord channels.


In-game rules

  2. Keep RP as real as possible - Must have value in life.
  3. Do not use flying, weaponized or boost-powered vehicles.
  4. Do not kidnap/harm Medical Services (SAFR).
  5. Do not bait the police.
  6. Do not RDM/VDM.
  7. Refrain from repeated fail RP.
  8. Officers and E.M.S. only may spawn in emergency vehicles AND must be on duty to do so.
  9. Don't use explosives or heavy weapons at any point - Sniper rifles are an exception to this rule, they are allowed.
  10. You must have the proper training and licensing to fly any type of aircraft or helicopter.
  11. If you are killed by the police, and you are revived, you must remain in that location until RP scene is finished.
  12. If you are killed by the police or another individual. YOU MUST RP IT. Do not complain about how the kill was BS. If there is an issue, refer to Amendment B.

Amendment A:

Failure to follow these rules may result in disciplinary action being taken. This includes but is not limited to points, warnings, kicks, and temporary/permanent bans without warning.


Amendment B:

If you have a complaint about an officer, admin, civilian, or any user, create a Player Report. You can also create a Support Ticket for further assistance.

Terms of Service

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